Welcome to the fundraising page of SAIL Literature Class
Please help us reach our goal of $2000!
Our class read the book A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, which is about the life of Salva Dut. Salva started Water for South Sudan. We want to help the people of South Sudan have the water they need. Please help us raise money by making a donation through our page. The process is fast, easy, and secure. Thanks so much for supporting clean water in South Sudan.
You can share this page to any of your friends you think might be interested in donating!
Water Winner -- Raised $140 or more!
Ensures a family of four access to water for many years to come.
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
lunch time table
Elizabeth Spence
Donna Lanum
Richard Trollier
Aunt Rachie, Uncle B & Clay
Marilyn White
Stuart and Janice Westburg
Tom and Diane
Mrs. Amy Hackett
Clayton Derby
Aunt Sharon
Katherine c Evenson
Aunty Beth
Uncle Matt, Aunt Nick & Welsh cousins
Shelley Whisenant
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